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St. Luke's Weekly Newsletter

Winter Snow

The Week of January 26, 2025

Welcome to St. Luke's

221 W. 3rd Street, Dixon, IL 61021



Web Site:

Facebook: St.Luke'sChurch--Dixon, IL

Serving for January 26, 2025

Celebrant: The Very Rev. Thomas Rosa


Acolyte : Jim Cecchetti

Lector: Gary Gehlbach

Greeter: Chris & Gary Gehlbach

Organist: Melanie Clements

Altar Guild: Julie Cecchetti

Coffee Hour: Kurt & Sarah Nelson


Prayers of the People

We give thanks for those celebrating their birthdays especially Tom Gehlbach (31) and those celebrating their anniversary.

We pray for healing especially for Fr. Tom Rosa, Fr. Tom Lamb, Fr. Richard Krammer, Cathy, Lawrence, Ruth, Jimmy, Paul, Curt, Ruth and Olivia.

We pray for the Homebound, especially Richard Nobis.

We pray for those who are traveling, especially,

We pray for the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, especially for John Coffey.

We pray for those who are Expressing Gratitude,

We pray for those with special needs, especially for Justin, John and Eric.

We pray for all those who have died, especially Hubert "Pete" Howell.

We pray for the safety of ALL serving in the military, especially Christopher and Jason.



The Cathedral hosted an interfaith Service of Prayer for the Nation on Tuesday, January 21. In this special service, the Cathedral gathered with our interfaith and ecumenical partners to offer prayers of thanksgiving for our democracy and to seek God’s guidance in the years ahead. The Washington National Cathedral has hosted 10 official inaugural prayer service. The tradition dates back to 1933. Last Tuesday’s Service had a different emphasis than previous ones. Its focus was on the nation instead of the new administration — a plan made before the Election day. An October statement said this will be a service for all Americans, for the well-being of our nation, for our democracy revolving around themes of compassion and togetherness. Bishop Budde the bishop of the diocese of Washington D.C. was the preacher. At the end of her sermon she spoke directly to President Trump calling for mercy to be given those who are scared especially in the LGBTQ+ and immigrant communities. Reaction have as, you expect, ranged from support to disgust.This situation continue to play out on social media, TV talk shows and news platforms. Let us renew our prayers for the leaders of the Church and other faith traditions who speak the truth.



The Feast is always February 2, which occurs on Sunday this year. Variously known as the Purification of st. Mary the Virgin and as Candlemas. it commemorates the meeting of the Christ Child with Simeon and Anna in the Temple 40 days after Jesus birth. The incident harkens to the Jewish law that every firstborn son had to be dedicated to God in memory of the Israelites Deliverance from Egypt. When Mary places the babe in the arms of Simeon, the Old and New Dispensations married: the old oblations were dismissed; the new perfect offering had entered the temple, The offering is to be made once for all on the cross.



Candlemas is the day where candles are traditionally blessed and used in a procession, symbolizing Jesus as the "Light of the World," making candles a central element of the celebration; the name "Candlemas" literally translates to "Candle Mass" due to this practice of blessing candles on this day. We will have the prescribed ceremony at the beginning of the service.



This is required by the Canons of the Church. The 2025 proposed budget will be presented and elections to serve on the Vestry. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please let the Wardens, Kathryn and Jim know of your interest.



The third annual observance of Religious Life Sunday will take place January 26, the 3rd Sunday of Epiphany. Visit the Religious Life Sunday to learn about the religious orders and Christian communities within the Episcopal Church. A conversation about religious life will be held on Zoom on Saturday, February, 8 at 3 pm Central. The Rev Deacon Mary Ann Rhoades is a professed member of the Order of St Gregory.



A group of people who commit to a life of faith, prayers and community responsibility following a set of religious vows is an ancient practice found in many religions. Nuns, sisters, monks and brothers can live in group housing called a monasteries or convents or practice their vows separately. They keep vows to a rule of life which describes their lifestyle while working at a church or in the community specializing in education healthcare, mission and service. Praying is regularly guided by the Divine Office of St Benedict daily. There are 18 traditional orders and 14 Christian Communities canonically in the Episcopal Church.



We are in need of clean plastic grocery bags and food donations. Cash donations are also accepted. Contact Cathy P. or Deacon Mary Ann. Thank you for your support. This past week we packed 246 bags. Originaly we were going to stop at 250, but the need is so great we will continue as long as we can.

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