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St. Luke's Weekly Newsletter

Fall Foliage

The Week of September 29, 2024

Welcome to St. Luke's 221 W. 3rd Street, Dixon, IL 61021815-288-2151  Email:

Web Site: Facebook: St.Luke'sChurch--Dixon, IL


Serving for September 29, 2024


Celebrant: The Very Rev. Thomas Rosa

Deacon: The Rev. Mary Ann Rhoades Acolyte : Luke Nelson Lector: Mike Winter

Greeter: Mike & Claire Winter Organist: Melanie Clements Altar Guild: Karhryn Esgar


Prayers of the People

We give thanks for those celebrating their birthdays especially Heather Trotter (29) and those celebrating their anniversaries.

We pray for healing especially for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Fr. Tom Rosa, Fr. Tom Lamb, Fr. Richard Kramer, Laura, Curt, Rob, Jerri, Cindy, Michelle, Ruth, Carol, Jeff, Liz, Emily and Stef.

We pray for the Homebound, especially Richard Nobis.

We pray for those who are traveling.

We pray for the Guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We pray for those who are Expressing Gratitude.

We pray for those with special needs, especially for Justin

We pray for all those who have died, especially Grace Wimmer .

We pray for the safety of ALL serving in the military, especially Christopher and Jason.9/29~



The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels occurs on Sunday and gives us a chance to celebrate the ministry of angels.This give us an opportunity to contemplate the heavenly spiritual dimension. Hymns are poetry set to music and are powerful teaching devices about faith and belief. 19th century revivalists often said if you get people to sing theological teachings they will remember them well. See you in church! MICHAELMAS



Following our Sunday Eucharist, a brunch will be served by Jim our warden. Lasagna and the usually side dishes will be served. Plan to attend and bring others to enjoy our worship and fellowship.



The feast of title of our parish is on Oct 18 The Feast of St Luke the Evangelist. We will transfer the celebration to Sunday 10/20 and have Solemn Evensong at 5:00 PM. in addition to the morning 10:30 Eucharist. The Canterbury Choir will be our guests. Plan now to attend the superb musical offering.



In honor of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, our annual blessing of the animals will be held following the 10:30 AM. Eucharist. If your pet can be safely handled your may bring it into the service for the blessing, otherwise we will meet first in the parish hall and then outdoors weather permitting. We will be collecting donations for our local animal shelter. A list of needs will be available. Pet Blessing and The Blessing of the animals is scheduled for October 6. Sunday October 6, we will be collecting cat and dog food for Granny Rose Animal Shelter as a way of honoring our pets. For the kittens and adult cats they use IAMS. For the dogs any brand will do. They will also accept towels and blankets as they use the towels when washing the dogs and the cats usually have blankets in the shelters. Monetary donations are also gratefully accepted. There will be a bin in the back of the church starting September 29 to place the donations and they will be taken to the animal shelter after October 6.



The 2024 presidential election on 11/5 will be a very contentious event with profound effects on our society and nation. We are being warned that there is much fake news information circulating in the media. Civic and Church leaders are calling upon us to be well-informed from reliable sources. It our duty to exercise the right to vote and be sure that is protected and insured to all citizens.



The 187th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago will be held Saturday, November 23, 2024, as a virtual gathering on Zoom. Convention is the annual business meeting of the diocese, during which we elect leaders, consider resolutions and hear reports from across the diocese and the wider church. Voting participants at convention include the canonically resident clergy of the diocese and three lay delegates elected from each congregation. All voting will be conducted electronically. We need to register 3 delegates and 3 alternates by September 30. Please speak with Kathryn or Jim if you would like to serve in this capacity. It means being at your computer for several hours on that day.

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